Alysia + Brian's - Engagement
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Monday, September 08, 2014
By Val Messer
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Photo Session done at Lynch Park, Berverly - MASS

They (Alysia and Brian) were filling as most of the couple when they are being photographed

for the first time; Unconfortable because:

- We haven't done this before. So could you not pose us much? Says Alysia

- (VMP) Of course, says Val...

So we started and at the first minute or two Alysia says:

-I guess we need some directions.

-(VMP) No problem, just try to do as I am not here and you are on a date, if I need I will tell you

to do something with hands and body position, try to look at each other, hold hands, kisses are

more then welcome and we will go from there. 

 Voallaaa Amazing pictures and they said: OH! It's not that difficul at all!!!











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