Andrew and I met our senior year at the University of New Hampshire at one of my best friend’s apartment. I was living at school all summer
because of work and so was my friend and her neighbors had not moved in yet. When they moved in, I got a phone call saying that a couple of
“hotties” just moved in and that I had to come over stat. So, sure enough, I head on over and ran in to two pretty boys, one of them being Andrew.
He wasn’t my type but he seemed harmless. Throughout the second semester, I was seeing him alot more and ended up taking him as my date
to our Dance Team cocktail. We had such a great time, but we both knew that graduation was right around the corner and Andrew got a job offer in NYC.
I figured I was never going to see him again, but he believed otherwise. About 1 month later, he invited me to visit him in NYC and so I did. We had
a great time, until he asked me to be his girlfriend. I politely told him why I did not want to be in a long-distance relationship, but he said he was going
to keep trying. Sure enough he tried asking me again a couple of months later and I told him no, again. He seemed very heart-broken and decided to back off.
During this time, I realized how much I missed him being around and coming to visit me every other weekend. After a few dates, I decided that
we should at least give this long-distance thing a try. We did the long-distance thing for 2 years filled with plenty of obstacles in between,
but luckily, Andrew got into grad school in Worcester, MA and he was able to move back. Fast forward to a couple of years later,
and Andrew takes me out to the Swan Lake ballet in Boston. Andrew parked at South Station and started walking towards the entrance,
then Andrew quickly realizes he left the tickets in the car. Now, I am standing there in the pouring rain waiting for him. I decide to
keep walking and I can hear him running up after me and all of a sudden, I do not hear him running any longer. I turn around,
and there he is on one knee in the pouring rain, proposing marriage. It was the sunniest, rainy day I have ever had. I am so blessed
to have him by my side and so thankful he was so persistent in forming a relationship with me. I love him with all my heart.