Geraldine and Malakiah
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Saturday, June 01, 2013
By Val Messer
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Malakiah and I met almost 3 years ago in Atlanta, GA while I was there visiting. The very first time I laid eyes on Malakiah was because there was a photographer at a venue that we are all at who asked us to take a picture together. After the picture,

Malakiah offered to keep our jackets for us and I thought nothing of it at first (little did I know this was all part of his Master Plan lol). Throughout the night I continued talking to him while he was working (he says I was bothering him but he

was secretly blushing each time).  When the night was over he walked my sister and I out to our car, we exchanged

numbers and we talked briefly that night. Honestly, we have ever skipped a day without talking to one another ever since that day!

We clicked instantly! I felt like I was able to tell him everything and he is truly the best listener a girl can ever ask for. He is patient, kind, caring, loving, intelligent and most importantly he is CONSISTENT!

On October 22, 2012 (his birthday) we went out to a restaurant for dinner and that’s when Malakiah

proposed --------------------------->Of course I said YES!!!!

That completely took me by surprise that he asked me to marry him on his birthday life and I thank God for sending someone so special to me! He sacrificed his own day for me and I think that says a lot about someone!

I am definitely marrying my best friend and I am so happy :)      (By Geraldine Sanon



















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1 Comment
Christina Sanon - Nice!!