Jenn and Mike - History (told by Jenn)
... I was out one night in Boston with some friends when I met Mike. We started talking and exchanged numbers.
I didnt think much of it because of recently been in a long relantionship wasnt really looking for anything serious.
(Castle Island.)

My friend Erin and I had planned a trip to Chicago to meet some friends the following week.
When I got back from my trip Mike had texted me and wanted to chat.
We chatted on the phone for a couple of weeks until we met on our first date at Castle Island.

We walked around the island and went and got drinks at a local pub. Defintly Mike and I were opposite,
but there was something about him that made him different then the rest!

We started hanging out more and more and eventually it turned into boyfriend and girlfriend
when he asked one night we went out to dinner.
St. Theresas Church!

3 months later we got an apartment together and have been living together since!
Mike proposed to me in November 2010 in Ft. Lauderdale Florida on the beach.

It was a surprise he had asked my parents several months before our trip!
He hid the ring in his shoe in his duffle bag!
Married May 19th, 2012